Dominick: (pointing to his Cars dvd case) “Do you know who this one is, mommy?”.
Me: “hmmmmm, I’m not sure, buddy, is it Sherriff?
Dominick: “nooo, mommy” (and laughs)
Me: “is it Red?”
Dominick: “nooooooo, mommy” (and laughs some more).
Me: “Is it Mater?” (I knew it wasn’t Mater, but I couldn’t think of any other names to guess).
Dominick: “noooooooooooo, Mommy. I think we better call Nana Kelley and ask her!”.
I think he’s right. Sadly, his mommy is not a Cars expert yet!! Dominick just saw Cars for the first time during his stay at Grandma & Grandpa Barga's house during our Mexico trip. Dominick got pretty attached to it during his visit, so Grandma & Grandpa Barga let us borrow their copy for our drive home from Ohio to TN. Well, none of us really know very many of the characters names yet from the movie (especially me). While Nana Kelly was here visiting last week, Dominick wanted to watch Cars, and Dominick kept asking over and over again what each car's name was. I was trying to make dinner and feed Kirsten (and didn't know any of their names anyway), so Nana Kelley helped him learn all of the character's names (with a little help from Oh, how we miss you Nana Kelley!!