Dominick started playing inline hockey in Hendersonville a few weeks ago. Last week, his coach sent out an email to all of the parents letting us know that he now had 2 sets of goalie equipment, and wanted to see if any of the players would be interested in being a goalie for one of the games. Since being Pekka Rinne (the Nashville Predators goalie) Dominick's current career aspiration, I replied to his coach and let him know that Dominick would love to be goalie! The coach replied and said that he had already received 3 replies, but that he would add Dominick's name to the list. So, today, Dominick had a make-up game that had been previously rained out, and he was one of the lucky ones - he got to be the goalie! We didn't tell him until we got to the game, just to avoid a huge disappointment if he ended up not doing it today. Once I confirmed it with the coach, I told him the fun news, and he broke out in a giant grin, which just got bigger once he saw what he got to wear.....pint sized goalie pads, goalie gloves, and he got to use a goalie hockey stick. He was in pure heaven. He did a really excellent job, too, and had many Pekka-like move making lots of saves against the yellow team. All of the parents of the red team players were rooting for him by cheering "good job goalie", "nice save, goalie", "go red goalie!". Each time he heard these things, he looked over at me with a giant grin on his face. I was so happy for him (that he was so happy)!